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Academic Year 2003/2004
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry - Courses Not Currently Offered
MB&B109 FA
Light and Life: Vision, Photosynthesis, DNA and Melanoma
MB&B232 FA
MB&B234 FA
Molecular Biology of the Chromosome
MB&B301 FA
Biological Molecules
MB&B304 FA
MB&B331 FA
The Genomics of Evolution, Adaptation, and Regulation
MB&B337 FA
Molecular Basis of Pathogenicity
MB&B340 FA
Physical Principles of Biochemical Techniques
MB&B344 FA
Gene Expression: The Translation Step and Its Control
MB&B386 FA
Biological Thermodynamics
MB&B387 FA
Enzyme Mechanisms
MB&B389 FA
Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics
MB&B491 FA
Teaching Apprentice Tutorial
MB&B517 FA
Topics in the Cell Cycle
MB&B525 FA
Energetics of Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions
MB&B530 FA
Nature and Basis of Human Diseases
MB&B531 FA
The Genomics of Evolution, Adaptation, and Regulation
MB&B537 FA
Molecular Basis of Pathogenicity
MB&B544 FA
Gene Expression: The Translation Step and Its Control
Principles of Chemistry II
MB&B104 SP
Molecules, Microbes and Man
MB&B157 SP
Foundations of Modern Sciences
MB&B231 SP
MB&B232 SP
MB&B234 SP
Molecular Biology of the Chromosome
MB&B265 SP
Bioinformatics Programming
MB&B296 SP
Superbugs, supercells, and much more
MB&B304 SP
MB&B325 SP
Introduction to Biomolecular Structure
MB&B326 SP
Microbial Pathogenicity
MB&B332 SP
Structure-Function and Kinetics of DNA Metabolic Enzymes
MB&B344 SP
Gene Expression: The Translation Step and Its Control
MB&B350 SP
Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics
MB&B357 SP
Biochemical Basis of Pharmaceuticals
MB&B370 SP
Multidimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
MB&B375 SP
The Cell-Division Cycle
MB&B381 SP
Physical Chemistry for Life Scientists
MB&B387 SP
Enzyme Mechanisms
MB&B395 SP
Structural Biology Laboratory
MB&B396 SP
Molecular Biology of Plant Development
MB&B402 SP
Individual Tutorial, Undergraduate
MB&B412 SP
Group Tutorial, Undergraduate
MB&B506 SP
How Do Proteins Fold?
MB&B513 SP
Topics in Regulation of Eukaryotic Gene Expression
MB&B514 SP
Functional Energetics of Biological Macromolecules
MB&B515 SP
Chromatin and Gene Activity
MB&B516 SP
Topics in DNA Replication
MB&B519 SP
Structural Mechanisms of Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions
MB&B520 SP
Topics in Nucleic Acid Structure
MB&B524 SP
Molecular Processes in Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Activity
MB&B526 SP
Microbial Pathogenicity
MB&B532 SP
Structure-Function and Kinetics of DNA Metabolic Enzymes
MB&B544 SP
Gene Expression: The Translation Step and Its Control
MB&B550 SP
Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics
MB&B570 SP
Multi-Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
MB&B575 SP
The Cell-Division Cycle
MB&B581 SP
Physical Chemistry for Life Scientists
Last Updated on MAR-19-2004
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