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Wesleyan Faculty

Wesleyan Faculty

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Faculty Member Department(s) E-Mail Address
Abelove, H English Not Available
Adelstein, R Economics radelstein@wesleyan.edu
Adzenyah, A Music Not Available
Alejandro, P Dance palejandro@wesleyan.edu
Aleshkovsky, I Russian Languages and Literatures ialeshkovsky@wesleyan.edu
Anez, M Art and Art History manez@wesleyan.edu
Angle, S Philosophy sangle@wesleyan.edu
Antonaccio, C Classical Studies cantonaccio@wesleyan.edu
Appel, L Biology lappel@wesleyan.edu
Armstrong, E English Not Available
Armstrong Roche, M Romance Languages and Literatures Not Available
Arnold, A German Studies aarnold@wesleyan.edu
Arnold, H College of Letters, German Studies haarnold@wesleyan.edu
Averill, G Music
Baierlein, R Physics rbaierlein@wesleyan.edu
Baker, M Economics mjb94004@uconnvm.uconn.edu
Bank, S Psychology Not Available
Baranger, A Chemistry abaranger@wesleyan.edu
Barlow, J Music jbarlow@wesleyan.edu
Basinger, J Art and Art History, Film Studies Program Not Available
Beaman, P Dance Not Available
Beauchamp, K Physics kbeauchamp@wesleyan.edu
Berlind, A Biology, Neuroscience & Behavior aberlind@wesleyan.edu
Bernstein, H College of Letters hbernstein@wesleyan.edu
Berry, S Biology sberry@wesleyan.edu
Best, C Psychology cbest@wesleyan.edu
Best, J Art and Art History jbest@wesleyan.edu
Beuning, K Earth and Environmental Sciences kbeuning@wesleyan.edu
Beveridge, D Chemistry dbeveridge@wesleyan.edu
Biddiscombe, J Physical Education jbiddiscombe@wesleyan.edu
Blackstone, L Sociology lrblack@oitvms.oit.umass.edu
Block, L Mathematics Not Available
Bobrick, E Classical Studies ebobrick@wesleyan.edu
Bodznick, D Biology dbodznick@wesleyan.edu
Bolton, P Chemistry pbolton@wesleyan.edu
Bonin, J Economics jbonin@wesleyan.edu
Boyd, R Government rboyd@wesleyan.edu
Braxton, A Music abraxton@wesleyan.edu
Brender, N Philosophy nbrender@wesleyan.edu
Brody, N Psychology nbrody@wesleyan.edu
Broughel, B Art and Art History bbroughel@wesleyan.edu
Brown, L Government lsbrown@wesleyan.edu
Bruce, N Music nbruce@wesleyan.edu
Bruno, J Chemistry jbruno@wesleyan.edu
Buel, R History rbuel@wesleyan.edu
Burris, J Religion Not Available
Cameron, R Religion rcameron@wesleyan.edu
Carney, P Physical Education pcarney@wesleyan.edu
Carr, J Theater jcarr@wesleyan.edu
Chambers, A Asian Languages and Literatures achambers@wesleyan.edu
Chand, V Government vchand@wesleyan.edu
Charles, D Anthropology dcharles@wesleyan.edu
Charry, E Music Not Available
Ciolkowski, L English lciolkowski@wesleyan.edu
Clawson, M Sociology mclawson@wesleyan.edu
Close, G Romance Languages and Literatures gclose@wesleyan.edu
Cohan, F Biology fcohan@wesleyan.edu
Collins, K Mathematics kcollins@wesleyan.edu
Comfort, W Mathematics wcomfort@wesleyan.edu
Comstock, G Sociology gcomstock@wesleyan.edu
Conn, R Romance Languages and Literatures rconn@wesleyan.edu
Connor, J English jconnor@wesleyan.edu
Connor, R English rconner@netcom.com
Coughlan, P Psychology pcoughlan@wesleyan.edu
Coven, E Mathematics ecoven@wesleyan.edu
Craig, B Government bcraig@wesleyan.edu
Creeger, G English gcreeger@wesleyan.edu
Crenshaw, M Government mcrenshaw@wesleyan.edu
Crites, S Philosophy scrites@wesleyan.edu
Crosby, C English ccrosby@wesleyan.edu
Cunningham, M Physical Education mcunningham@wesleyan.edu
Cuomo, C Earth and Environmental Sciences mcuomo@wesleyan.edu
Cutler, C Dance Not Available
Cutler, J Sociology Not Available
D'Oench, E Art and Art History edoench@wesleyan.edu
Davenport, K English Not Available
Davidson, D African American Studies, Dance ddavidson@wesleyan.edu
de Boer, J Earth and Environmental Sciences jdeboer@wesleyan.edu
Devoto, S Biology sdevoto@wesleyan.edu
Dierker, L Psychology ldierker@wesleyan.edu
DiGiulio, C Romance Languages and Literatures cdigiulio@wesleyan.edu
Dillard, A English Not Available
Dohm, F Psychology fdohm@wesleyan.edu
Donady, J Biology jdonady@wesleyan.edu
Doornbosch, K Art and Art History Not Available
Dougherty, D Mathematics ddougherty@wesleyan.edu
Duff, M Mathematics mduff01@wesleyan.edu
Dupuy, A Sociology adupuy@wesleyan.edu
Edwards, J Romance Languages and Literatures jedwards@wesleyan.edu
Eisner, M Government meisner@wesleyan.edu
Ellis, F Physics fellis@wesleyan.edu
Elphick, R History relphick@wesleyan.edu
Emery, E Physical Education eemery@wesleyan.edu
Ennis, M Romance Languages and Literatures mennis@wesleyan.edu
Farland, M English mfarland@wesleyan.edu
Fay, B Philosophy bfay@wesleyan.edu
Feuer, W Dance wfeuer@wesleyan.edu
Fieldsteel, A Mathematics afieldsteel@wesleyan.edu
Files, S Mathematics sfiles@wesleyan.edu
Finn, J Government jfinn@wesleyan.edu
Firshein, W Molecular Biology & Biochemistry wfirshein@wesleyan.edu
Fisher, L Economics lfisher@wesleyan.edu
Fisher, S Sociology sfisher@wesleyan.edu
Flores, O Romance Languages and Literatures oflores@wesleyan.edu
Forbes, R History rforbes@wesleyan.edu
Fowler, A Psychology afowler@wesleyan.edu
Francisco, W Theater wfrancisco@wesleyan.edu
Frazer, J Art and Art History jfrazer@wesleyan.edu
Frenzel, P German Studies pfrenzel@wesleyan.edu
Friedberg, H English hfriedberg@wesleyan.edu
Frugale, J Mathematics jfrugale@wesleyan.edu
Fry, A Chemistry afry@wesleyan.edu
Fusso, S Russian Languages and Literatures sfusso@wesleyan.edu
Gallagher, N Government ngallagher@wesleyan.edu
Gallarotti, G Government ggallarotti@wesleyan.edu
Garcia Ferreira, S Mathematics gsalvador@wesleyan.edu
Garrett, N German Studies ngarrett@wesleyan.edu
Georg, O Art and Art History Not Available
Gerstin, J Music jgerstin@wesleyan.edu
Gillmor, C History sgillmor@wesleyan.edu
Gingerich, J Music Not Available
Gonzalez, B Romance Languages and Literatures agonzalez@wesleyan.edu
Grabel, L Biology lgrabel@wesleyan.edu
Grant, V German Studies vgrant@wesleyan.edu
Greene, A English agreene@wesleyan.edu
Greene, N History ngreene@wesleyan.edu
Groark, E Government egroark@wesleyan.edu
Grossman, R Economics rgrossman@wesleyan.edu
Gutmann, J Earth and Environmental Sciences jgutmann@wesleyan.edu
Haake, P Molecular Biology & Biochemistry phaake@wesleyan.edu
Hadler, A English ahadler@wesleyan.edu
Hager, A Mathematics ahager@wesleyan.edu
Harjito, I Music iharjito@wesleyan.edu
Hauser, F Physical Education fhauser@wesleyan.edu
Herbst, W Astronomy wherbst@wesleyan.edu
Hill, P American Studies, History phill@wesleyan.edu
Hillbrand, M Psychology Not Available
Hinchey, M Government mhinchey@wesleyan.edu
Hirsch, S Anthropology shirsch@wesleyan.edu
Hoggard, J Music jhoggard@wesleyan.edu
Holmes, O History oholmes@wesleyan.edu
Holmes, S Molecular Biology & Biochemistry sholmes@wesleyan.edu
Horan, C African American Studies, Government choran@wesleyan.edu
Horne, G Earth and Environmental Sciences ghorne@wesleyan.edu
Horst, S Philosophy shorst@wesleyan.edu
Hovey, M Mathematics mhovey@wesleyan.edu
Hoyt, P Music phoyt@wesleyan.edu
Hughes, G English ghughes@wesleyan.edu
Huhn, T College of Letters, Philosophy thuhn@wesleyan.edu
Huwel, L Physics lhuwel@wesleyan.edu
Infante, A Molecular Biology & Biochemistry ainfante@wesleyan.edu
Isenberg, N German Studies
Isgut, A Economics aisgut@wesleyan.edu
Jackson, A Physical Education tjackson@wesleyan.edu
Jacobsen, J Economics jjacobsen@wesleyan.edu
Jensen, R Physics rjensen@wesleyan.edu
Johnston, W East Asian Studies, History wjohnston@wesleyan.edu
Jones, B Dance Not Available
Karamcheti, I English ikaramcheti@wesleyan.edu
Kasser, J Philosophy jkasser@wesleyan.edu
Kassow, S Religion Not Available
Katz, M Classical Studies mkatz@wesleyan.edu
Keiser, R Anthropology lkeiser@wesleyan.edu
Kerr-Ritchie, J History jkerrritchie@wesleyan.edu
Kilby, P Economics pkilby@wesleyan.edu
Kirn, J Biology jrkirn@wesleyan.edu
Klaaren, E Religion eklaaren@wesleyan.edu
Klecha-Porter, P Physical Education pklechaporte@wesleyan.edu
Knee, J Chemistry jknee@wesleyan.edu
Korda, N English nkorda@wesleyan.edu
Kostacopoulos, P Physical Education pkostacopoul@wesleyan.edu
Kuivila, R Music rkuivila@wesleyan.edu
Lackey, G Physical Education, Women's Studies glackey@wesleyan.edu
Landborn, A Dance alandborn@wesleyan.edu
Layton, M Government mlayton@wesleyan.edu
Lea, S English Not Available
Lemert, C Psychology-Sociology Program, Sociology clemert@wesleyan.edu
Lensing, L German Studies llensing@wesleyan.edu
Lester, R Religion Not Available
Lindquist, R Physics rlindquist@wesleyan.edu
Linton, F Mathematics fejlinton@mcimail.com
Lipton, J Mathematics jlipton@wesleyan.edu
Liu, X Asian Languages and Literatures xliu@wesleyan.edu
Long, D Physical Education dlong@wesleyan.edu
Lorimer, A Anthropology alorimer@wesleyan.edu
Loring, S Dance Not Available
Lourie, S Dance Not Available
Lovell, M Economics mlovell@wesleyan.edu
Lowrie, J Romance Languages and Literatures jlowrie@wesleyan.edu
Lucier, A Music alucier@wesleyan.edu
Lukens, L Molecular Biology & Biochemistry llukens@wesleyan.edu
Luo, C Psychology cluo@wesleyan.edu
Maeny, U Dance Not Available
Mahon, M African American Studies, Anthropology mmahon@wesleyan.edu
Maines, C Art and Art History, Medieval Studies Program cmaines@wesleyan.edu
Maltese, G Mathematics gmaltese@wesleyan.edu
Manalansan, M American Studies martinmana@aol.com
Mantzaris, J Chemistry Not Available
Mark, P Art and Art History pmark@wesleyan.edu
Martin, S Government susan_martin@brown.edu
Masters, B History bmasters@wesleyan.edu
Mattson Wright, D Physical Education dmwright@wesleyan.edu
McAlear, M Molecular Biology & Biochemistry mmcalear@wesleyan.edu
McAlister, E Religion emcalister@wesleyan.edu
McCann, S English smccann@wesleyan.edu
McConnell, J Chemistry jmcconnell@wesleyan.edu
McCutcheon, R Mathematics rmccutcheon@wesleyan.edu
McDonald, N Earth and Environmental Sciences nmcdonald@wesleyan.edu
McDowell, G Physical Education gmcdowell@wesleyan.edu
McEnnerney, D Government dmcennerney@wesleyan.edu
McGuire, J Government, Latin American Studies Program jmcguire@wesleyan.edu
Mensah, H Dance Not Available
Meyer, P Russian Languages and Literatures pmeyer@wesleyan.edu
Miel, J College of Letters, Romance Languages and Literatures jmiel@wesleyan.edu
Miller, C History cmiller@wesleyan.edu
Miller, R Economics ramiller@wesleyan.edu
Milroy, E Art and Art History, Women's Studies emilroy@wesleyan.edu
Monts, M Music mmonts@wesleyan.edu
Moon, J College of Social Studies, Government dmoon@wesleyan.edu
Moore, B Economics bmoore@wesleyan.edu
Mora, C Dance Not Available
Morawski, J Psychology jmorawski@wesleyan.edu
Morgan, D History dmorgan@wesleyan.edu
Morgan, T Physics tmorgan@wesleyan.edu
Mukerji, I Molecular Biology & Biochemistry imukerji@wesleyan.edu
Mullen, K Physical Education kmullen@wesleyan.edu
Murphy, R Government rmurphy@wesleyan.edu
Myers, R Theater Not Available
Naegele, J Biology jnaegele@wesleyan.edu
Naito, S Asian Languages and Literatures snaito@wesleyan.edu
Needler, H College of Letters hneedler@wesleyan.edu
Nerenberg, E Romance Languages and Literatures enerenberg@wesleyan.edu
Novick, S Chemistry snovick@wesleyan.edu
Nussdorfer, L College of Letters, History Not Available
O'Connell, S Earth and Environmental Sciences soconnell@wesleyan.edu
O'Hara, J Classical Studies johara@wesleyan.edu
Ohly, S Anthropology sohly@wesleyan.edu
Oliver, D Molecular Biology & Biochemistry doliver@wesleyan.edu
Ostor, A Anthropology aostor@wesleyan.edu
Ostrow, C Romance Languages and Literatures costrow@wesleyan.edu
Pach, P English Not Available
Paige, P Romance Languages and Literatures ppaige@wesleyan.edu
Paoletti, J Art and Art History jpaoletti@wesleyan.edu
Parslow, C Classical Studies cparslow@wesleyan.edu
Paton, D History Not Available
Patton, P Earth and Environmental Sciences ppatton@wesleyan.edu
Paul, L Dance lcowdery@wesleyan.edu
Pemberton, G African American Studies, English gpemberton@wesleyan.edu
Perez-Girones, A Romance Languages and Literatures aperezgirone@wesleyan.edu
Petersson, G Chemistry gpetersson@wesleyan.edu
Petrill, S Psychology spetrill@wesleyan.edu
Pfister, J English jpfister@wesleyan.edu
Pier, J Psychology Not Available
Pinch, W History wpinch@wesleyan.edu
Plous, S Psychology splous@wesleyan.edu
Poisson, C Romance Languages and Literatures cpoisson@wesleyan.edu
Polate, L Religion Not Available
Polier, N Women's Studies npolier@wesleyan.edu
Pomper, P History ppomper@wesleyan.edu
Pothier, J Government jpothier@wesleyan.edu
Potter, C History cpotter@wesleyan.edu
Pratt, R Chemistry rpratt@wesleyan.edu
Pringle, W Chemistry wpringle@wesleyan.edu
Proskurina, V Russian Languages and Literatures Not Available
Raba, J Physical Education jraba@wesleyan.edu
Raghavan, R Music rraghavan@wesleyan.edu
Raphael, T Theater traphael@wesleyan.edu
Ravishanker, G Chemistry ravishan@wesleyan.edu
Rayack, W Economics wrayack@wesleyan.edu
Raye, C Physical Education craye@wesleyan.edu
Reed, J English jreed@wesleyan.edu
Reed, K English Not Available
Reeve, F College of Letters freeve@wesleyan.edu
Reid, J Mathematics jreid@wesleyan.edu
Rice, M Mathematics mrice@wesleyan.edu
Rich, S Art and Art History Not Available
Rider, J Romance Languages and Literatures jrider@wesleyan.edu
Rivera Casellas, Z Romance Languages and Literatures zrivera@wesleyan.edu
Roberts, M Classical Studies mroberts@wesleyan.edu
Robertson, L Mathematics lrobertson@wesleyan.edu
Rogalsky, M Music mrogalsky@wesleyan.edu
Rollefson, R Physics rrollefson@wesleyan.edu
Romano, R African American Studies, American Studies, History rromano@wesleyan.edu
Rose, P English prose@wesleyan.edu
Rosenthal, R Sociology rrosenthal@wesleyan.edu
Ross, S Film Studies Program sross@wesleyan.edu
Rouse, J Philosophy, Science in Society Program jrouse@wesleyan.edu
Rushdy, A African American Studies, English arushdy@wesleyan.edu
Rushin, K African American Studies krushin@wesleyan.edu
Russu, I Molecular Biology & Biochemistry irussu@wesleyan.edu
Rutland, P Government prutland@wesleyan.edu
Salzer, J Astronomy slaz@parcha.astro.wesleyan.edu
Samuel, Y Asian Languages and Literatures ysamuel@wesleyan.edu
Sanchez-Berroa, R Romance Languages and Literatures rsanchezberr@wesleyan.edu
Scham, M Romance Languages and Literatures mscham@wesleyan.edu
Schatz, R History rschatz@wesleyan.edu
Scheibe, K Psychology kscheibe@wesleyan.edu
Schell, J English jschell@wesleyan.edu
Schiff, J Art and Art History jschiff@wesleyan.edu
Schneider, F Romance Languages and Literatures Not Available
Schorr, D Art and Art History dschorr@wesleyan.edu
Schoutens, H Mathematics hschoutens@wesleyan.edu
Schwaber, P College of Letters pschwaber@wesleyan.edu
Schwarcz, V East Asian Studies, History Not Available
Schwartz, N Government nschwartz@wesleyan.edu
Schwarz, M American Studies Not Available
Scowcroft, P Mathematics pscowcroft@wesleyan.edu
Seamon, J Psychology jseamon@wesleyan.edu
Seeley, J Art and Art History jseeley@wesleyan.edu
Selover, D Economics dselover@wesleyan.edu
Shapiro, A History alshapiro@wesleyan.edu
Shapiro, N Romance Languages and Literatures nshapiro@wesleyan.edu
Shaw, G History gshaw@wesleyan.edu
Sheetz, M Government mss42@columbia.edu
Shieh, S Philosophy sshieh@wesleyan.edu
Shinohara, K Art and Art History kshinohara@wesleyan.edu
Shortt, R Mathematics rshortt@wesleyan.edu
Sinnamon, H Psychology hsinnamon@wesleyan.edu
Siry, J Art and Art History jsiry@wesleyan.edu
Skillman, G Economics, Public Affairs gskillman@wesleyan.edu
Slobin, M Music mslobin@wesleyan.edu
Slotkin, R English rslotkin@wesleyan.edu
Smith, G Theater gsmith@wesleyan.edu
Smith, R Film Studies Program rsmith01@wesleyan.edu
Smyers, K Religion ksmyers@wesleyan.edu
Snyder, D Physical Education dfsnyder@wesleyan.edu
Sorensen, D Romance Languages and Literatures dgoodrich@wesleyan.edu
Steele, R Psychology rsteele@wesleyan.edu
Stewart, B Physics bstewart@wesleyan.edu
Stowe, W English wstowe@wesleyan.edu
Straker, B Physical Education bstraker@wesleyan.edu
Strauss, M Music mstrauss@wesleyan.edu
Striegel-Moore, R Psychology rstriegel@wesleyan.edu
Subrahmanyam, R Mathematics rsubrahmanya@wesleyan.edu
Sultan, S Biology sesultan@wesleyan.edu
Sumarsam, Music sumarsam@wesleyan.edu
Szegedy-Maszak, A Classical Studies aszegedymasz@wesleyan.edu
Tammuz, E Religion etammuz@wesleyan.edu
Tausta, L Molecular Biology & Biochemistry stausta@wesleyan.edu
Tawil, E English Not Available
Telfair, T Art and Art History ttelfair@wesleyan.edu
Thomas, E Earth and Environmental Sciences ethomas@wesleyan.edu
Titus, D Government dtitus@wesleyan.edu
Tololyan, K English ktololyan@wesleyan.edu
Traube, E Anthropology etraube@wesleyan.edu
Turco, A English aturco@wesleyan.edu
Ulanov, A Classical Studies Not Available
Upgren, A aupgren@wesleyan.edu
Vann, R College of Letters, History rvann@wesleyan.edu
Varekamp, J Earth and Environmental Sciences jvarekamp@wesleyan.edu
Vasquez, M Latin American Studies Program Not Available
Viswanathan, T Music tviswanathan@wesleyan.edu
Wade, M Theater mwade@wesleyan.edu
Wagoner, P Art and Art History pwagoner@wesleyan.edu
Wang, D English Not Available
Ward, W Theater Not Available
Weir, M Biology mweir@wesleyan.edu
Weisberg, D English dweisberg@wesleyan.edu
Weissman, H College of Letters hweissman@wesleyan.edu
Weitzer, W Psychology wweitzer@wesleyan.edu
Westmoreland, D Chemistry westmoreland@wesleyan.edu
Wharton, P Chemistry pwharton@wesleyan.edu
White, D Russian Languages and Literatures dwhite@wesleyan.edu
Widman, J Mathematics jwidman@wesleyan.edu
Widmer, E Asian Languages and Literatures ewidmer@wesleyan.edu
Wightman, A History, Latin American Studies Program awightman@wesleyan.edu
Williams, A Chemistry awilliams02@wesleyan.edu
Williams, G Latin American Studies Program, Romance Languages and Literatures gwilliams@wesleyan.edu
Willis, J Religion jwillis@wesleyan.edu
Winston, K German Studies, Humanities Program kwinston@wesleyan.edu
Wistinetzki, I Religion iwistinetzki@wesleyan.edu
Wolfe, J Biology jwolfe@wesleyan.edu
Wong, S Sociology swong@wesleyan.edu
Wood, C Mathematics cwood@wesleyan.edu
Wyatt, M Romance Languages and Literatures mwyatt@wesleyan.edu
Yohe, G Economics gyohe@wesleyan.edu
Zhang, X Chemistry xzhang01@wesleyan.edu
Zheng, S Music szheng@wesleyan.edu
Zhu, X Asian Languages and Literatures xzhu@wesleyan.edu
Zieman, K English kzieman@wesleyan.edu
Zwelling, J Religion jzwelling@wesleyan.edu

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