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Catullus and Cicero

Students will read selected poems of Catullus and portions of the PRO CAELIO of Cicero. Special attention will be paid to literary and stylistic values and to historical context. Instruction will include a review of Latin grammar and syntax. This course is intended for students who have had one year of college Latin or the equivalent (normally two to three years of high school Latin).


Selected poems of Catullus
Cicero's PRO CAELIO (selections)


Preparation of daily assignments in Latin, three in-class examinations; occasional class presentations on style and content of the texts; two short papers (approximately five pages) on topics to be assigned.

Unless preregistered students attend the first class meeting or communicate directly with the instructor prior to the first class, they will be dropped from the class list. NOTE: Students must still submit a completed Drop/Add form to the Registrar's Office.

COURSE FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion


Level: UGRD    Credit: 1    Gen Ed Area Dept: HA CLAS    Grading Mode: Graded   

Prerequisites: NONE


Instructor(s): O'Hara,James J.   
Instructor's Course Page
Times: ..T.T.. 02:40AM-04:00AM;     Location: SCIE339
Reserved Seats:    (Total Limit: UNL)
SR. major:    Jr. major:
SR. non-major:    Jr. non-major:    SO:    FR:

Special Attributes:

Last Updated on MAR-24-2000

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Copyright Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459