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Reading Contexts, Interpretation, Transmission and Appropriation: The Story of a Travelling Text

Crosslistings: CHUM264

This theory-oriented course focuses on the multiple questions that can be brought to bear on the process of reading and interpretation: How do historical and cultural forces interact in the formation of reading contexts? What is the relationship between text, context and interpretation? How do discourse and power intersect in the controversial history of the canonization of a text? What role is played by a classic in the formation of a nation's cultural myths and sense of identity? These are some of the questions that will be considered as we observe the case of a particular text in the Latin American canon: Domingo F. Sarmiento's 1845 FACUNDO and the history of the ways in which it has been read.



Level: UGRD    Credit: 1    Gen Ed Area Dept: HA RLAN    Grading Mode: Student Option   

Prerequisites: NONE

Last Updated on MAR-24-2000

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