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Representations of Native Americans in Popular Culture

Crosslistings: ANTH341
SectionClass Size*AvailableTimesPOIPrereq
1 15 6 Times: ...T... 1:10PM-4:00PM;NoNo

*The number of spaces listed as available is based on class seats open for the Blue Add phase of registration. Some seats may be taken in previous phases while others may be held out for subsequent phases of registration. (Last Updated on Tue Aug 10 05:00:21 EDT 1999 )

This course provides an overview of how Native Americans have been represented by non-Natives and how they represent themselves in a variety of media. The media to be considered include: literature, photography, film, advertisement, television, mascots, and museum exhibitions. The course will begin with an historical overview of several issues pertinent to how non-Natives represented Native Americans including notions of time, space, and the "Other." The remainder of the course will juxtapose representations by non-Natives with examples of Native American self representation.


Two texts, entitled PAPER TRAIL by Michael
Dorris (1994) and DRESSING IN FEATHERS by S. Elizabeth Bird
(1996), should be purchased at the Atticus Bookstore.
Additional readings will be available at the Reserve Desk of
Olin Library.


Student progress throughout the semester will be evaluated on the basis of class attendance and participation, three take-home essay questions and a term project. Essays: Throughout the semester I will hand out lists of essay questions from which each student must select a total of three questions upon which to write 1250 word essays. TERM PROJECT: Each student will complete a project on representations of Native Americans in a medium of his or her choice.


Course will include one or two field trips. Lab fee $15. Unless preregistered students attend the first class meeting or communicate directly with the instructor prior to the first class, they will be dropped from the class list. NOTE: Students must still submit a completed Drop/Add form to the Registrar's Office.



Level: UG Credit: 1.00 Gen Ed Area & Dept: SBS ANTH

Prerequisites: None

Section 01
Schwarz, M
Times: ...T... 1:10PM- 4:00PM;
Grading Mode: A/F
Registration Preference (1 high to 6 low, 0=Excluded) Sr: 1, Jr: 2, So: 0, Fr: 0
Major Preference Given

Last Updated on MAR-22-1999

Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions.

Copyright Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459