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Boccaccio on the Cusp of Modernity

Crosslistings: ITAL239
SectionClass Size*AvailableTimes
1 20 3 Times: .T.T... 10:00AM-11:20AM;

*The number of spaces listed as available is based on class seats open for the current phase of registration. Some seats may be taken in previous phases while others may be held out for subsequent phases of registration. (Last Updated on Wed Mar 4 05:01:03 EST 1998 )

This course will situate Boccaccio's tales in relation to the historical crisis (the Black Death of 1348) that provides their narrative frame and will aim to situate them--and their author--within an imaginative space that is simultaneously both medieval and modern. The "Prologue" to DECAMERON will be examined during the first week of class together with Albert Camus' THE PLAGUE (which students are strongly urged to read in advance), and each succeeding week of the semester will be dedicated to one of the ten "Days" in which Boccaccio's stories are arranged.




Three short papers, one midterm exam, one take-home final exam.


If possible, students should read THE PLAGUE by Albert Camus before the course begins. SPECIAL NOTE FOR ITALIAN STUDIES MAJORS: Majors will read selections in the original. All Majors will enroll in a Group Tutorial (for .50 credit) that will meet weekly to discuss the reading. All written work to be done in Italian. Finally, additional readings for Majors include: IL NINFALE FIESOLANO, IL FILOSTRATO, LA CACCIA DI DIANA. Unless preregistered students attend the first class meeting or communicate directly with the instructor prior to the first class, they will be dropped from the class list. NOTE: Students must still submit a completed Drop/Add form to the Registrar's office.

COURSE FORMAT: Discussion Lecture


Level: UG Credit: 1.00 Gen Ed Area & Dept: HA RLIT

Prerequisites: None

Section 01
Wyatt, M
Times: .T.T... 10:00AM-11:20AM;
Grading Mode: A/F
Registration Preference (1 high to 6 low, 0=Excluded) Sr: 1, Jr: 1, So: 2, Fr: 2
Major Preference Given

Last Updated on MAR-03-1998

Contact wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions.

Copyright Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459