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Intermediate Spanish I

Photo Caption and Credits

Fall 96 Availability (Last Updated on Thu Apr 17 05:01:13 EDT 1997 )

Section  Limit  Enrollment  Available
  01       15      0         15
  02       15      0         15
  03       15      0         15
  04       15      0         15
  05       15      0         15

First part of intermediate Span111 & SPAN112. Emphasis divided among the four basic language skills: listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing. The course, with the continuation course SPAN112, provides a complete review of first year skills as well as appropriate new material to help improve the command of grammatical structures, active and passive vocabulary, comprehension of both, literary and non-literary written Spanish, writing ability, speaking fluency and understanding of non-technical spoken Spanish. The course also covers cultural material so as to place the learning of the Spanish language within the necessary cultural content. The students meet 3 hours a week with the Instructor, and 1 hour in smaller groups, with the Instructor or a T.A., for conversation.


To be announced.


Frequent exercises and exams (written and oral). Attendance at class and language laboratory required.


This course is intended for students who have completed SPAN 102 with a grade of B- or better or have placed into SPAN 111 through the placement test this fall. Juniors and Seniors will be accepted as space becomes available. Unless preregistered students attend the first class meeting or communicate directly with the instructor prior to the first class, they will be dropped from the class list. NOTE: Students must still submit a completed Drop/Add form to the Registrar's Office.

COURSE FORMAT: Discussion Laboratory Language Instruction


Level: UG Credit: 1.00 Gen Ed Area & Dept: HA RLIT

Prerequisites: None

Section 01
Williams, G
Times: M.W.F.. 9:00AM;
Grading Mode: A/F
Registration Preference (1 high to 6 low, 0=Excluded) Sr: 0, Jr: 3, So: 2, Fr: 1
No Major Preference Given
Section 02
Perez-Girones, A
Times: M.W.F.. 10:00AM;
Grading Mode: A/F
Registration Preference (1 high to 6 low, 0=Excluded) Sr: 0, Jr: 3, So: 2, Fr: 1
No Major Preference Given
Section 03
Pardo, O
Times: M.W.F.. 10:00AM;
Grading Mode: A/F
Registration Preference (1 high to 6 low, 0=Excluded) Sr: 0, Jr: 3, So: 2, Fr: 1
No Major Preference Given
Section 04
Rivera Casellas, Z
Times: M.W.F.. 11:00AM;
Grading Mode: A/F
Registration Preference (1 high to 6 low, 0=Excluded) Sr: 0, Jr: 3, So: 2, Fr: 1
No Major Preference Given
Section 05
Pardo, O
Times: M.W.F.. 11:00AM;
Grading Mode: A/F
Registration Preference (1 high to 6 low, 0=Excluded) Sr: 0, Jr: 3, So: 2, Fr: 1
No Major Preference Given

Last Updated on MAR-10-1997

About the Photo:

The opening excerpt from Isabel Allende's CUENTOS DE EVA LUNA.


Allende, Isabel. CUENTOS DE EVA LUNA, Spain: Plaza & Janes Editores, 1989

wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions.

Copyright Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459