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Colonialism and Its Consequences in the Americas

Crosslistings: LAST200
Photo Caption and Credits

Fall 96 Availability (Last Updated on Thu Apr 17 05:01:13 EDT 1997 )

Section  Limit  Enrollment  Available
  01       53      0         53

This course, required for American Studies and Latin American Studies majors, offers a comparative analysis of colonial ventures and their consequences in the Americas. Among the topics to be discussed are: organization of production, including state labor systems, chattel slavery, and indenture; governance and colonial bureaucracies; the interaction of indigenous, European, and African peoples and the formation of colonial culture and syncretic belief systems; independence movements and the emergence of nation states. Consistent with the interdisciplinary nature of the Americas programs, the course introduces diverse theoretical and methodological approaches to these issues.


To be announced.
Additional readings, including substantial selections from
primary documents. Readings subject to change, depending on
availability of texts.


In class exam, final exam, two papers, regular attendance and participation in discussions.


Unless preregistered students attend the first class meeting or communicate directly with the instructor prior to the first class, they will be dropped from the class list. NOTE: Students must still submit a completed Drop/Add form to the Registrar's Office. American Studies and Latin American Studies majors should pick up Permission of Instructor forms from the program offices. Sophomores who intend to major in LAST and to be abroad during the fall semester of their junior year should see the Chair of LAST during preregistration.

COURSE FORMAT: Discussion Lecture


Level: UG Credit: 1.00 Gen Ed Area & Dept: SBS HIST

Prerequisites: None

Section 01
Wightman, A
Potter, C
Times: M.W.... 1:10PM;
Grading Mode: A/F
Registration Preference (1 high to 6 low, 0=Excluded) Sr: 1, Jr: 1, So: 2, Fr: 0
Major Preference Given

Last Updated on MAR-10-1997

About the Photo:


Source is being researched.

wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions.

Copyright Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459