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Introduction to African American History: 1861 to 1990

Crosslistings: HIST242, AMST238
Photo Caption and Credits

Fall 96 Availability (Last Updated on Sat Mar 8 05:00:40 EST 1997 )

Section  Limit  Enrollment  Available
  01       45      36         9

This course explores the making of Africa America since the advent of the Civil War. Its major periodization includes emancipation, northern migration, urbanization, proletarianization, ghettoization, civil rights, and human rights. Our primary focus will be on the historical agency of blacks in their multifaceted struggles for self-determination. The making of African American community life, especially through the family, church and school, will also receive our attention. By exploring change and continuity in the experiences of African-Americans, the course will examine how political events, developments in the nature of the American state, and demographic shifts have affected Black men and women.


Eric Foner, RECONSTRUCTION (1988)
Evelyn Brooks-Higginbotham, RIGHTEOUS DISCONTENT (1993)
Joe Trotter, BLACK MILWAUKEE (1985)
Robin Kelly, HAMMER & HOE (1991)
Harding, HOPE & HISTORY (1990)
William Van deBurg, NEW DAY IN BABYLON (1992)


In-class midterm exam and final take-home essay.


Course requirements include two weekly lectures and one bi-weekly seminar; bi-weekly readings of 250 pages. Unless preregistered students attend the first class meeting or communicate directly with the instructor prior to the first class, they will be dropped from the class list. NOTE: Students must still submit a completed Drop/Add form to the Registrar's Office.

COURSE FORMAT: Discussion Lecture


Level: UG Credit: 1.00 Gen Ed Area & Dept: SBS HIST

Prerequisites: None

Section 01
Romano, R
Times: .T.T... 10:00AM;
Grading Mode: A/F
Registration Preference (1 high to 6 low, 0=Excluded) Sr: 1, Jr: 1, So: 1, Fr: 0
Major Preference Given

Last Updated on MAR-10-1997

About the Photo:


Adamson, Madeleine and Seth Borgos. THIS MIGHTY DREAM: SOCIAL PROTEST MOVEMENTS IN THE UNITED STATES. Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984

wesmaps@wesleyan.edu to submit comments or suggestions.

Copyright Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459