This course may be repeated for credit.
Math 513 and Math 514 constitute the first year graduate course in real and complex analysis. One semester will be devoted to real analysis, covering such topics as Lebesgue measure and integration on the line, abstract measure spaces and integrals, product measures, decomposition and differentiation of measures, and elementary functional analysis. One semester will be devoted to complex analysis, covering such topics as analytic functions, power series, Mobius transformations, Cauchy's integral theorem and formula in its general form, classification of singularities, residues, argument principle, maximum modulus principle, Schwarz' lemma, and the Riemann mapping theorem.
Level: GRAD Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: NONE Grading Mode: Graded
Prerequisites: NONE Links to Web Resources For This Course.
Last Updated on MAR-30-2006
Copyright Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459