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Academic Year 2005/2006

Evolution Journal Club I

This course may be repeated for credit.

Presentation and active discussion of current research articles in evolutionary biology. Each semester the class will choose one theme within evolutionary biology to be the focus of discussion. Themes from recent semesters have included: genome-based evolution studies, co-evolution, speciation, phylogenetic approaches for investigating natural selection, the role of competition in evolution, the evolution of host-parasite relationships, and the evolution of behavior. Articles for discussion generally come from the journals EVOLUTION, AMERICAN NATURALIST, GENETICS, SCIENCE, and NATURE.



Level: GRAD    Credit: .25    Gen Ed Area Dept: NONE    Grading Mode: Student Option   

Prerequisites: BIOL207 OR [BIOL182 or MB&B182] Links to Web Resources For This Course.

Last Updated on MAR-30-2006

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