There are two components, as follows: I. (about 8 weeks) A survey of the basic definitions and major fundamental results, including the theorems of Kakutani-Kodaira, Pontrjagin, Haar, and Kuzminov-Ivanovskii; proofs will be included where time and professorial competence permit. II. (about 5 weeks) The current status of various unsolved problems in the topological theory of topological groups, including problems concerning Lindelof groups, pseudocompact groups, countably compact groups, extremally disconnected groups, and free groups.
Level: GRAD Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: NONE Grading Mode: Student Option
Prerequisites: NONE Links to Web Resources For This Course.
Last Updated on MAR-19-2004
Copyright Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459