Crosslistings: BIOL 213 |
This course will introduce the concepts and problems of contemporary research on the neural control of behavior. The course is intended for prospective neuroscience and behavior majors (for whom it is required) and for nonmajors who wish a broad introduction to neuroscience from the viewpoint of behavior. The initial few weeks will be devoted to fundamental concepts of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology. Subsequent classes will deal in depth with fundamental problems of nervous system function, i ncluding the control of movement, sensory organization and perception, neurochemical basis of behavior, and learning and memory. Where possible, questions of nervous system development as related to behavior will be discussed. Experimental results from a variety of species will be considered.
Unless preregistered students attend the first class meeting or communicate directly with the instructor prior to the first class, they will be dropped from the class list. NOTE: Students must still submit a completed Drop/Add form to the Registrar's Office.
Level: UGRD Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: NSM NS&B Grading Mode: Student Option
Prerequisites: NONE
Last Updated on MAR-19-2002
Copyright Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459