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This class will use the lens of queer theory to examine the history of state formation, political critique and the mobilization of political communities in the post-1968 United States. In addition to examining the nature of state regulation aimed at controlling sexualized citizens reading will emphasize the emergence of post-Stonewall political coalitions which have sought to address questions of unequal access to full citizenship among sexual minorities, of state intervention which confuses the publ ic and private spheres; intersections between queer politics and other civil rights movements; and realms of cultural activity which can produce, reproduce, or alter, statist discourses about sex and sexuality. Topics will include immigration; the politi cal investment in marriage and family; education; national security; the production and regulation of sexual commodities and services; and the politics of AIDS.
Unless preregistered students attend the first class meeting or communicate directly with the instructor prior to the first class, they will be dropped from the class list. NOTE: Students must still submit a completed Drop/Add form to the Registrar's Office.
Level: UGRD Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: SBS HIST Grading Mode: Graded
Prerequisites: AMST245 OR ENGL298
Last Updated on MAR-19-2002
Copyright Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459