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Academic Year 2001/2002
Earth and Environmental Sciences
General Education (non-major):E&ES
Courses Not Currently Offered
E&ES101 FA
Physical Geology: Our Dynamic Earth
E&ES150 FA
Energy Resources of the Earth
E&ES199 SP
Introduction to Environmental Science
Gateway & Core Courses: E&ES
Courses Not Currently Offered
E&ES101 FA
Physical Geology: Our Dynamic Earth
E&ES213 FA
E&ES215 FA
Laboratory Study of Minerals
E&ES220 FA
E&ES222 FA
Geomorphology Laboratory
E&ES223 FA
Structural Geology
E&ES225 FA
Field Geology
E&ES280 FA
Environmental Geochemistry
E&ES199 SP
Introduction to Environmental Science
E&ES205 SP
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
E&ES227 SP
Principles of Geobiology
E&ES229 SP
Invertebrate Paleontology
E&ES232 SP
Sedimentology/Stratigraphy Techniques
Electives, Tutorials & Thesis: E&ES
Courses Not Currently Offered
E&ES401 FA
Individual Tutorial, Undergraduate
E&ES409 FA
Senior Thesis Tutorial
E&ES421 FA
Undergraduate Research
E&ES491 FA
Teaching Apprentice Tutorial
E&ES380 SP
E&ES402 SP
Individual Tutorial, Undergraduate
E&ES410 SP
Senior Thesis Tutorial
E&ES422 SP
Undergraduate Research
E&ES492 SP
Teaching Apprentice Tutorial
Graduate: E&ES
Courses Not Currently Offered
E&ES500 FA
Graduate Pedagogy
E&ES501 FA
Individual Tutorial for Graduate Students
E&ES591 FA
Advanced Research, Graduate
E&ES502 SP
Individual Tutorial for Graduate Students
E&ES592 SP
Advanced Research, Graduate
Last Updated on MAR-19-2002
to submit comments or suggestions. Please include a url, course title, faculty name or other page reference in your email
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