Crosslistings: AFAM 392 |
This course is conceived as an examination of restructural musics from the 50s/60s time cycle and the role of three major artists in helping to influence and set the aesthetic agenda (and conceptual focus) of postmodern music evolution after the Second World War. The course will use each artist as both a study in itself as well as a point of definition that relates to the broader subject of improvised music and related artists (and/or musics). There will be listening assignments every class--four papers will also be required, one research paper and two listening recognition tests.
Unless preregistered students attend the first class meeting or communicate directly with the instructor prior to the first class, they will be dropped from the class list. NOTE: Students must still submit a completed Drop/Add form to the Registrar's Office.
Level: UGRD Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: HA MUSC Grading Mode: Student Option
Prerequisites: NONE
Last Updated on MAR-26-2001
Copyright Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459