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Academic Year 2000/2001

American Sign Language

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of ASL, the principal system of manual communication among the American Deaf. Not to be confused with Signed English (to which a certain amount of comparative attention is given) or with other artificially developed systems, ASL is a conceptual language and not merely encoded or fingerspelled English. As such, while to some extent influenced by English, depending on the individual signer, it presents its own grammar and structure, involving su ch elements as topicalization, spatial indexing, directionality, classification, syntactic body language, etc. These will all be studied during the course in both the weekly 1 3/4 hour class and two weekly small group sessions. By the end of the semeste r students should have learned between 700 and 800 conceptual signs and their use. They will also have been introduced to aspects of American Deaf culture--sociology, psychology, education, theater, etc.--through a variety of readings and discussions.


A variety of articles dealing with Deaf culture (sociology, psychology, linguistics, etc.)


Weekly quizzes and a final examination.


LANG190 may be offered again during the Spring semester. Interested students should consult the instructor during the Drop/Add period. Intermediate and advanced ASL group lessons are also available depending on demand, taught (for fee) by instructors from the National Theater of the Deaf and/or other organizations. In addition, qualified ASL students may participate in a limited number of internships at the NTD, with credit to be awarded through the Theater Department, or at the American School for the Deaf. For further informaiton consult the instructor.

Unless preregistered students attend the first class meeting or communicate directly with the instructor prior to the first class, they will be dropped from the class list. NOTE: Students must still submit a completed Drop/Add form to the Registrar's Office.



Level: UGRD    Credit: .5    Gen Ed Area Dept: NONE    Grading Mode: Credit/Unsatisfactory   

Prerequisites: NONE


Instructor(s): Shapiro,Norman R.   
Times: .M..... 04:15PM-06:00PM;     Location: SHAN107
Reserved Seats:    (Total Limit: 60)
SR. major:    Jr. major:
SR. non-major: 15   Jr. non-major: 15   SO: 15   FR: 15

Special Attributes:
Links to Web Resources For This Course.

Last Updated on MAR-26-2001

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