Geodynamics deals with the formation, evolution, and, particularly, dynamics of our earth. Our understanding of the earth's geodynamic processes has evolved rapidly in the past few decades. Continental drift and ocean spreading concepts revolutionized geologic thought processes in the 60s and 70s. The 80s were a period in which attention shifted toward the deep earth where lithospheric processes originate. The class will consist of a discussion of geotectonic, geophysical, and geochemical concepts a nd weekly readings of papers dealing with the most recent theories and discoveries in geodynamics.
Unless preregistered students attend the first class meeting or communicate directly with the instructor prior to the first class, they will be dropped from the class list. NOTE: Students must still submit a completed Drop/Add form to the Registrar's Office.
Level: UGRD Credit: 1 Gen Ed Area Dept: NSM E&ES Grading Mode: Graded
Prerequisites: E&ES225 Links to Web Resources For This Course.
Last Updated on MAR-26-2001
Copyright Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, 06459